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The Billionaire's Curvy Librarian (Curvy Librarians Book 1) Page 2
The Billionaire's Curvy Librarian (Curvy Librarians Book 1) Read online
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I looked up and down at the muscles evident on Eric, despite the loose clothing sitting over them. “How did a realtor get to be so buff?” I asked. “Do you build the homes too?”
“I have a personal trainer who runs me into the ground every day,” Eric said.
“Wish I had that,” I said. “It’s so hard to find the motivation to go to the gym sometimes, after an exhausting day at work, followed by hours of working on my side gigs.”
“You have a sexy body,” Eric said. “Gym or no gym.”
I blushed. Who is this guy?
“Really,” he said. “I don’t run into women with your curves in my everyday life.”
I put my hand on my hip. “Huh? I feel like we’re everywhere.”
“Not with your beauty, Kelsey.”
I didn’t know how to answer that compliment, coming from someone who was a makeover away from being over 900 on the Do Me Decimal system.
“What sort of side gigs do you do?” Eric asked.
“Mostly writing,” I said. “Blogs and courses. Nothing as involved as doing a history of old buildings or whatever it was you said.”
“That’s fascinating,” Eric said.
“Well, I want to work hard and get ahead.”
“I understand the urge to be the best,” Eric said.
We closed that room and checked out the other three in the basement. The other spaces held old boxes and rolled-up maps. Three inches of dust covered everything.
After locking up the final room, we walked to the stairway. Before I could take the first step, Eric’s strong hand gripped my shoulder. “Hold on, Kelsey.”
I looked up into his mysterious eyes. “What is it?”
“Thanks again for showing me around. I learned a lot for my project.”
“It’s my pleasure,” I said, feeling a tingle travel up my spine as his hand brushed my arm on its way back to his side. He looked to be in his thirties and exuded confidence. I wouldn’t be surprised to find a wet spot in my panties.
“What time do you get off work later?”
“When the library closes at 6:00. Why?” I asked.
“I’m taking you on a date tonight.”
My breath caught in my throat. After processing what he said, I asked, “You are?”
“Yes.” He grabbed my hands and held them.
“Aren’t you a bit forward?”
“When I see something I want, I take it.”
My breath caught in my throat as I stared into his eyes. For a moment, I saw past the shitty clothes and took in the gorgeous, strong man behind the sweats.
I nodded. “Okay.” Dammit, Kelsey, why are you letting a date take up valuable time?
“I’ll pick you up here at 6:00,” Eric said.
“Where are we going?”
“What do regular folks like to do?”
“You don’t know?” I asked. “You look like the poster child of the commoner.” I laughed.
Eric chuckled. “I’ll surprise you.”
“Okay,” I said. “As long as what I have on is fine.”
Eric looked me up and down longer than he needed to assess my outfit. “Yep, it’s more than fine.”
The hot, slightly weird stranger leaned down and kissed my cheek. “I’ll see you tonight.” He strutted up the stairs and left the library.
As I walked back toward the circulation desk, Dawn nudged Jenna with her elbow. “What happened to you, Kelsey? We couldn’t find you during the tornado siren.”
“I gave that stranger a tour of the basement.”
They read the look of shock on my face. “Oh, God, Kelsey, did something happen?”
“Nothing bad. He asked me out. Tonight,” I said.
They looked at each other then back at me. “You’re going out with the guy who can’t bother putting on clean clothes before entering a public library?” Dawn asked.
I shrugged, then giggled. “What can I say, I like them dirty.”
“Seriously,” Jenna said. “What the hell?”
“Like I told you earlier, if you take away those clothes, he’s hot,” I said. “Plus he has an interest in history. I find that just as sexy as his body. And there’s something mysterious about him. I’m intrigued enough to find out more.”
“I thought you weren’t dating because the time suck would take you away from your other projects,” Jenna said.
“It crossed my mind,” I said. “But there’s something different about that guy. I couldn’t say no.”
“Just be careful,” Dawn said.
“I will,” I said. “By the way, has anyone heard if a tornado touched down in the city?”
“No, it didn’t,” Jenna said. “I checked my phone. The funnel cloud went away.”
The storm warning caused minimal disruption on the ground but might have caused damage to my life. I said ‘yes’ to a date, meaning I wouldn’t plan or write any blog posts that night. The tall, dark, handsome stranger had better be worth the time.
The beat-up, piece-of-shit car I borrowed from my head gardener struggled to make it back to my estate outside Denver. I pulled up to the landscaping barn in the back.
“Hello, sir, welcome back,” Frank said. “Did the car run okay?”
“Yes, but I need it again tonight.”
“But how will I get home?”
“I’ll have my driver take you.”
“In a limo? That would be nice, sir, but how will I get back here in the morning? The bus doesn’t come out here.”
“My driver will pick you up.”
“Thank you, sir.” Frank returned to trimming the bushes around the mansion.
I needed his beater car to look like a regular person who struggled with money. Despite Kelsey being the most beautiful girl I’d met in the outside world, she couldn’t suspect my billionaire status.
If Kelsey knew I had money, she’d be full of questions about my visit to the library in trashy clothes. With the library property not on the market yet, I didn’t want to draw any attention to my interest.
The other consequence if Kelsey found out my true worth would be a change in our interactions. I’d never dated a woman who wasn’t after my money. Kelsey intrigued my mind and stirred my cock to full attention. I wanted to get to know her better without revealing my true station in life.
As I walked through my front door, my assistant, Bruno approached from the foyer. “Sir, it’s a relief to see you back here.”
I chuckled. “I only went to the public library. It’s full of old, quiet people, the least threatening of all.”
“I don’t like you out there without a bodyguard.” Bruno doubled as my main assistant and head of my security.
“I needed to be incognito,” I said.
“But why drive there in that death trap of a car?”
“If the library staff saw me pull up in a half-million-dollar vehicle, what would they think?”
“Sir, it was risky.”
I patted Bruno’s cheek. “I’ll do as I wish.”
“Yes, sir,” Bruno said, his eyes finding the floor. I loved bossing around a man even bigger than myself. Bruno came from Samoan heritage and had huge muscles and the appetite to show for it. He was the best damn assistant in the world and I compensated him well.
“Bruno, let me pick your brain for a moment,” I said.
His face perked up when I solicited his advice. “Boss, did you find out what you needed at the library?”
“I found what I needed at the library,” I said.
“What do you mean, sir?”
“I met the most charming and voluptuous young woman. I intend to make her mine.”
“Forgive me, sir, but I thought dating is against your personal policy.”
I chuckled. “Yes, Bruno, I harbored no intentions of ever dating again.”
“But this girl?” Bruno asked.
“I haven’t spoken to a common woman of society for that length of time. Perhaps ever.
She intrigued me.”
“How so?”
“She’s single, on her own. I imagine she struggled to pay for college, got her degree, and is working at the library, scraping by on her low wage.”
“She’s tough and resourceful,” Bruno said.
“Yes. Her mind is sharp. Bruno, she stimulated my brain, but my cock wants her just as bad.”
Bruno laughed. “Sir, you can get pussy anywhere you want.”
“Yes, I’m aware. But I’m attracted to Kelsey for whatever reason. She will be mine.”
“Are you going to throw your money at her?”
I pointed at Bruno and shook my head. “No.”
“Why not? Flash a few hundreds at her and she’ll be hooked.”
“I don’t want her to know about my wealth. Not yet, anyhow. I don’t want her latching onto me for my money.”
“Like your ex-wife did,” Bruno said.
“Exactly. Don’t bring her up again.”
Bruno hung his head. “Yes, sir, I’m sorry.”
“Bruno, here’s my big question for you—what do regular folks like to do on a first date together? You know, the common young people in society who have to watch their wallets?”
Bruno smiled, exposing the three gold teeth in his mouth. “You have a date with her?”
“Yes, this evening. Where can I take her?”
“In your vehicles? She’ll see you’re rich,” Bruno said.
“I’m taking Frank’s beater again,” I said.
“Dammit, boss, I don’t like you driving an unsafe car into the city.”
“Get over it,” I said. “Now give me an idea of where to take her. Somewhere we can get to know each other and she’ll have fun.”
“A lot of people go to the movies,” Bruno said.
“That’s a shitty idea. We wouldn’t be able to talk.”
Bruno brought a finger to his mouth in deep thought. “You could take her somewhere for dinner first. A chain restaurant would be best—not fancy, but not fast food either. Afterward, take her bowling.”
“You mean at a bowling alley?”
Bruno nodded.
“I’ve never been inside one. They look filthy in the movies.”
“Yes, they are,” Bruno said. “Greasy fingerprints and the hint of bad aftershave everywhere. You could get lucky and get a lane next to a group of college girls wearing cut-off shorts.”
“My eyes will be on Kelsey.” My thoughts drifted back to her full, round ass. I’d give a lot of money to spank her, but the first date would not require much cash.
“Sir, I’ll find several options for you in the city where there’s a common restaurant near a bowling alley.”
“So it’s a good first date for most?”
“Yes, sir,” Bruno said.
“What should I wear?” I asked. “It needs to be better than the rags I have on but not so nice she suspects I have money.”
“I’ll look at a bunch of photos of guys bowling. Then, I’ll take that inspiration and get you another outfit at the thrift store,” Bruno said.
“Do it now,” I said.
While my loyal assistant spent a few hours that afternoon making preparations for my date, I mulled over more options for what to do with the old library when it became mine. Several times, I caught myself rubbing my cock while thinking of Kelsey. I didn’t blow my load because I wanted to save it for Kelsey.
I met Bruno at the front door when he returned with a sack of clothes. “Out of morbid curiosity, how much did that set me back?” I asked.
“Seventeen dollars,” Bruno smiled.
I chuckled. “This date is already getting expensive. What did you pick up for me?”
“A polo shirt and cargo shorts, and a pair of sneakers to round out the ensemble.”
“Fantastic. Great work,” I said.
“Oh, sir,” Bruno said. “Lose the watch. Nobody there will believe it’s real anyhow.”
My insides buzzed with excitement as I finished getting dressed in the common man’s clothing. It only took three tries to start Frank’s car, and I was off to the city to claim my woman at the very library that would also become mine.
“Kelsey, are you wetting your pants with excitement?” Jenna asked as I squatted to rearrange books on the bottom of the reserved shelf.
I ran my hand under my crotch. “Nope, but I could explode at any minute,” I said.
“I can’t believe you got asked out today. You’re leaving in like five minutes,” Dawn said as we chit-chatted away the final seconds of our workday.
“I hope he cleaned up this afternoon,” Jenna said.
“I’m sure he did, and he’s ready to show me a good time,” I said.
Dawn did a little happy dance by the front window. “Kelsey, he’s out front, standing next to his car.”
My knees felt weak as I looked outside. Eric did indeed put on nicer clothes for our date.
“Okay, girls, I’m out of here. Have a great evening.”
“Be careful and have fun,” Jenna said.
“Call if you need a rescue,” Dawn said as the two of them went out the side door toward the parking lot. I descended the front stairs to meet Eric.
“Hey, beautiful,” Eric said as I approached.
My heart fluttered. “Hi. I hope you don’t mind I’m still in these work clothes.”
“You look delicious,” Eric said with a smile.
“So I’m okay going wherever we’re headed with these clothes?” I asked.
Eric looked me up and down for longer than needed to get an idea of my outfit. “As far as I know,” Eric said.
I turned my head and giggled. “As far as you know? Have you been to where you’re taking me?”
“Never,” Eric said. “But the places came recommended.” His thigh muscles bulging from the bottom of his khaki shorts made me swoon. I loved that he was bigger than me.
I settled into the passenger seat of his car. The ripped seats wouldn’t adjust, and the window was stuck an inch down from the top. But I didn’t mind because I’d never had a nice car either.
“Where are we going?” I asked. It almost seemed stupid to get in the car of a new acquaintance, allowing him to take me wherever he wanted. But there was something about Eric that eased my mind. That’s probably what all the girls thought when picked up by a serial killer. Whatever.
“I’m taking you to dinner first,” Eric said. I guessed we weren’t getting Mexican food because the interior of his car already smelled like he had it for lunch.
“Sounds great,” I said. The radio remained silent as we chit-chatted down the highway. I noticed he had CDs in the console. “How old are you?”
“I’m 34. And you?” Eric asked.
“I’m 22,” I said. A sly smile formed at the edge of Eric’s lips. The man’s intrigue increased when I realized he had twelve more years’ experience on me.
“Does the age difference bother you, Kelsey?”
“Not at all,” I said. “You listen to gospel music?”
“Those belong to a… friend,” Eric said.
We pulled up to a popular chain restaurant. “I like this place,” I said.
“Good,” Eric said. “I want to see you satisfied.”
I jiggled the window handle before stepping out of the door. “What about your window? It might rain while we’re inside.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Eric said. He came around the car and took my hand in his well-manicured fingers. As odd as it seemed coming from a new person, I felt safe when he touched me.
“Have you been here before?” I asked as we entered the lobby and the smell of baked potatoes smacked us.
“Never,” Eric said. “And they wouldn’t take a reservation over the phone.”
I giggled. “You’re funny, Eric.”
He gave a puzzled look as the hostess led us to a corner booth. I let go of his hand as we sat opposite each other.
Eric turned
the greasy menu over and over several times. “Where’s the wine list?”
“It’s under the lobster and caviar section,” I teased.
Eric frowned at the selection. “What’s good here?” he asked.
“You can’t go wrong with anything here,” I said. “Are you a picky eater?”
“No,” Eric said. “This all just looks so… plain.”
“I don’t know what you’re used to eating but all of this menu looks better than the sandwich and sad pile of carrots I had for lunch.”
Eric settled on the most expensive item in the place—steak fillet with shrimp. The meal would cost more than the insurance on his car parked outside. I eased the strain on his wallet and ordered the grilled chicken sandwich.
“Tell me,” Eric said. “Did you grow up near here?”
“Yep,” I said. “My mother died giving birth to me and my father had already left her. My maternal grandparents raised me.”
“That must’ve been hard,” Eric said.
“They were on a fixed budget, so we never had extra. But my needs were all taken care of.”
“Are your grandparents still around?” Eric asked.
“No, they died when I was a freshman in college. Grandma went three weeks after grandpa. I think heartbreak killed her.”
“That’s terrible,” Eric said, caressing my forearm with his strong hand.
“They taught me the value of hard work. It’s the only thing that’s helped me survive on my own,” I said.
“Where did you go to school?” Eric asked.
“U of Denver,” I said. “Worked my ass off in high school to get a full ride.”
“That’s fascinating,” Eric said as if he’d never talked to someone who took the hard path in life.
Before I could ask about his background, our food arrived. Eric flipped his steak over, frowned, shrugged, and dug in.
“Everything okay?” I asked.
“It’ll do,” Eric said.
After we finished our meal, including a shared dessert, I took Eric’s hand across the table. “This has been a lovely date.”
Eric smiled. “It’s not over.”
“What else do you have planned?” I asked.
“There’s a bowling alley up the street that came highly recommended by a buddy of mine.”
I giggled. “Really?”